Step-by-step Evolution of Young’s Double-slit Interference Fringes Using Boundary Diffraction Wave Theory

Raj Kumar*
CSIR - Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, Chandigarh 160030, India

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* Address correspondence to this author at the CSIR - Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, Chandigarh 160030, India; Tel: +91-1722672308; Fax: +91-1722651808; E-mail:


Present work reports formation of Young’s double-slit interference fringes using the Young's own theory of diffraction called the theory of boundary diffraction wave. Theory demands that double-slit interference fringes are generated due to superposition of boundary diffraction waves originating from the edges of the slits due to their physical interaction with the incident light. The theoretical development is further verified with the experimental observations.

Keywords: Boundary diffraction wave, Double-slit interference fringes, Interferometry, Young’s double slit experiment.