Dynamic Detection of Thicknesses in Polymer Deformation Based on the Optical Coherence Interferometry Technique

Eneas N Morel*, Jorge R Torga
Laboratorio de Optoelectronica y Metrología Aplicada Facultad Regional Delta -Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Campana, Argentina

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* Address correspondence to this author at the Laboratorio de Optoelectronica y Metrología Aplicada Facultad Regional Delta-Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Campana, Argentina; E-mail:


We describe the implementation of the optical coherence interferometry (OCT) technique in the dynamic measurement of the deformation of polymers. The experimental set-up of the interferometer system and the signal processing used are also described. Theories and methods for measuring polymer film thickness are presented and the results are shown. In this work, the technique does not account for the determination of the refractive index.The study found that the dynamic estimation of the thickness of thin polymer films is possible and very accurate.

Keywords: Interferometries, Topography, Profilometry, Fast Fourier transform.